In 508 A.D The taking away of the daily marks the beginning of the 1290 days of Daniel 12. .
This taking away and putting aside of Christ's daily ministry, is done with an "army". That is, this power uses an army to force people to look to itself for "priestly absolutions" from "transgression".
an army
Daniel 11:31 And forces shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily, and they shall set up the abomination that maketh desolate.
This takes place before verses 32-35 in Daniel 11, where the saints are persecuted, giving us a clue that the 1290 day/years begin before the 1260 day/years. The lifting off of the daily, clears the way for the "abomination that causes desolation" to be set up. The two events are not the same, one prepares the way for the second. When taken literally the text says, the daily is abolished "with the purpose" of establishing in its place the "abomination that causes desolation".(Dan. 12:11; 11:31)
What kind of "war" took place during those thirty years?
Was there a time before the beginning of the 1260 years when the papacy came into possession of an army which it used to set up it's authority over spiritual matters?
Indeed there was! With the conversion of Clovis, King of the Franks, came an army, and Catholic history turns this cruel and unscrupulous king into the "eldest son" of the church in 508 A.D. and makes him appear as God's chosen instrument for the extension of the Catholic faith.
Many historians declare that this was the "death" knell to paganism and the triumph of the Christianity. It was even taught by some that the "daily" was "paganism". BUT no, paganism was not "taken away" it was actually "Christianized" while true Christianity received a deadly blow.
Open Paganism was actually outlawed throughout the Roman empire years before 508 by the Emperor Theodosis I in 380 AD and the Catholic Christianity was made the official state religion.
But now we need to consider who were the nations that Clovis fought against, with the sanction of the church? Burgundies, the Visigoths, and later his successor drove out the Lombards from Italy. Yes, I used to think these were all pagans being defeated-- but to my amazement I found out they were largely CHRISTIANS-- not particularly accepting all of Rome's doctrines and authority, but still Christians.
What we are dealing with in this prophecy is the establishment of the "little horn" after the fall of the western Roman Empire. It is about a RELIGIOUS war between two powerful Christian idologies in the "new" western European territory. The greatest threat to the Catholic Chuirch was the threat of what they called Arianism.
Clovis was the first territorial monarch to embrace the Catholic faith. At the same time-- reigning in Italy was the Arian Gothic King, Theodore the Great.
A most remarkable difference between the policies of the Catholic power and the Arian power is this: One believed that "we cannot order a religion, because no one is forced to believe against his will". (Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius, Hodgkin, Tomas, "The Letters of Cassiodorus" Bk II, 27)
Arian Christians in the West, though not entirely free from mixing church and state, never resorted to force and persecution in religious matters against the will of the individual. Under the Gothic rule both Catholics and Arians enjoyed religious liberty. Indeed many persecuted Christians from the east fled tothe west to find religious freedon under the Gothic rule.
The Catholic faith had a totally different idea on this matter. They believed the state was there to enforce the "true Catholic faith". The issue here is RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
The war between 508-538 was over religious freedom. Religious freedom lost in that war, and the dark ages began.